Submission is now closed. The deadline was extended to 10 July. Please note that only designs featuring native, endangered wildlife will be eligible.
To commemorate World Endangered Species Day, Cicada Tree Eco-Place is pleased to announce a poster design contest open to all children in Singapore between the ages of 6-8 and 9-11. Simply draw or design a poster featuring our endangered native wildlife with the slogan “Protect Our Last Wilderness” for a chance to win a prize!
Question: Who can participate?
Answer: Students/Children residing in Singapore between the ages of 6 years to 11 years.
Question: What must I draw or paint?
Answer: Endangered native wildlife (animal or plant) of Singapore.
To be eligible, students’ artwork must depict a native land or ocean-dwelling animal species that either lives in or migrates through Singapore and its waters, or a plant that is found in Singapore, and has been placed on the threatened or endangered species list.
To be eligible, students’ artwork must depict a native land, freshwater or sea-dwelling animal or plant species of Singapore and its surrounding waters, and which is in Singapore’s threatened, endangered or extinct species list.
Examples of locally endangered or extinct animals are: Singapore Freshwater Crab, Horseshoe Crab, Jade Tree Snail, Fluted Giant Clam,
Raffles Banded Langur, Malayan Porcupine, Slow Loris, Malayan Pangolin, Dugong, Knobbly Sea Star, Trilobite Beetle, Missing Marvelous Katydid, Hawksbill Turtle, White-bellied Woodpecker, Scarlet Minivet.
Examples of locally endangered or extinct plants are: Singapore Dendrobium, Singapore Durian, Kerinting Palm, Keranji Tree, Tempinis Tree, Chengal Tree, Bakau Mangrove Tree, Sea Teak, Sun Fern, Sea Tape Grass, Singapore Kopsia, Baboon’s Head Antplant.
Question: What must I include on the poster?
Answer: Poster design must include:
i. The campaign slogan – “Protect Our Last Wilderness”,
ii. A simple conservation message (not more than 15 words) on your posters that would encourage others to protect the chosen wildlife.
iii. Name of chosen wildlife on artwork.
Question: How should I submit my poster design?
Answer: Your Scanned Poster should be submitted by accessing Jotform with the buttons in red above and below. Make sure to fill in your name, age and tell us why you picked your animal/plant.
Question: By when must I submit?
Answer: You must submit your artwork by 10 July, 2020. Late entries will not be judged.
Question: What are the prizes?
Answer: 6 Top entries will be selected for the following prizes:
Top 3 entries (6 to 8 Category)
$50 book voucher and a book prize
Top 3 entries (9 to 11 Category)
One-year free family membership at Nature Society (Singapore) worth $75 and a book prize.
IMPORTANT: All 6 Top entries, and any other number of selected entries may be featured on Cicada Tree Eco-Place official website and/or other media platforms. By participating, you consent to having your poster design published with artist’s name, age, conservation message and description of artwork included.
Question:Where and when will the winning entries be announced?
Answer: Results will be published on the official website of Cicada Tree Eco-Place between 17 – 30 July 2020 or earlier.
Winning participants will be notified via email on delivery or collection of their prizes.
Question: What is Cicada Tree Eco-Place
Answer: We are a non-profit, non-governmental organisation run entirely by a group of volunteer educators and environmentalists.
Co-founded in 2006 by a group of five Singaporeans, and supported by volunteer educators, conservationists, environmentalists, eco-artists and wildlife activists, it was formally registered as a society the following year in 2007.
The society was formed in urgent response to the alarming climate change crisis and its impact on wildlife and humans. It advocates for the protection of our precious natural heritage and seeks to educate the youth and communities about eco-living to combat global warming.
To make a difference for wildlife, we have dedicated our efforts to building bridges between the public and our spectacular biodiversity. With this in mind, we champion environmentally-friendly practices that are both impactful and practical, to individuals and organisations alike.
Endangered Species Day on Endangered.org: https://www.endangered.org/campaigns/endangered-species-day/
Endangered Species Poster Contest: http://mrosartroom.blogspot.com/2014/12/endangered-species-poster-contest.html?m=1

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