Month: August 2020

Island Tales & Forest Fables @ Pesta Ubin 2020

Storytelling – Take a short discovery morning stroll on a rustic isle. Stop at our four story telling stations to discover the mythical beginnings of Pulau Ubin, Pulau Ketam and Pulau Sekudu through wildlife stories inspired by local legends.

Tree Planting – Shape Ubin’s future by planting trees to create a forest for wildlife!

Note: This is not a guided nature walk, it is a first-of-a-kind interactive storytelling and tree-planting activity.

Date: Sat 12 Sep 2020
Venue: Pulau Ubin
Start Time: 9.30am to 10.50am
Duration: Approximately 1.5hrs to 2hrs (30mins for tree-planting)
Suitable for: Families with children 6yrs to 11yrs. Minimum age is 6yrs, no toddlers and babies are allowed.
Open to: Registered Groups only, no walk-ins will be permitted.

$50 per Group of 5 persons or less. Fees paid are strictly non-refundable. Payment details will be provided upon receipt of email.

Group size:
Max. of 5 persons per registered Group. Each Group must have minimum one adult. Groups that turn up with more than 5 persons will not be permitted to participate and fees paid will not be refundable.


Please email us with the following details to register. Please note that slots will be assigned on a first come first served basis.

Time slot you would like (see below)
Name of principal participant
Number of participants in group
Number of adults
Number of children (with age of children)
Contact email
Contact phone number – for any last minute changes
Emergency contact name with phone number

We will only use the contact details for this event and the information will not be stored past the event nor shared with anyone else. 

Number of Groups:
Limited to 8 separate groups at staggered arrival timings only. Strictly no intermixing between groups at any time.

Booking Timings: [FULLY SUBSCRIBED]
Group 1 – Start Time 09.30am
Group 2 – Start Time 09.40am
Group 3 – Start Time 09.50am
Group 4 – Start time 10.00am
Group 5 – Start time 10.10am
Group 6 – Start time 10.20am
Group 7 – Start time 10.30am
Group 8 – Start time 10.40am

Participants must arrive 5 mins before or sharp on time at Cicada Tree Eco-Place Registration Desk at the Pulau Ubin (Assembly Area) as per registered time slot to avoid delaying other Groups and impacting the event schedule. Groups that arrive late will have their slot cancelled and fees paid will not be refundable.

Terms & Conditions, SafeEntry and Safe Distancing Measures apply:

· This is an outdoor rain or shine event.
· Subject to weather conditions and safety considerations, the event may be delayed or cancelled.
· Due to Covid-19, SafeEntry and Safe Distancing Measures apply.
· Participants must check-in and complete SafeEntry at the Cicada Tree Eco-Place Registration Desk upon arrival.
· Participants who are feeling unwell or have flu-like symptoms must not participate.
· Participants who have travelled outside Singapore in previous 14 days (from 1 Sep 2020), or have been placed on Stay Home Order, must not participate.
· Participants must arrive sharp on time as per registered time slot to avoid delaying other Groups and impacting the event schedule. Groups that arrive late will have their slot cancelled and fees paid will not be refundable.
· Participants (adults and children) must wear face masks during the walk and thoughout the event.
· Participants must observe safe distancing of 3m between the storytellers and other Groups.
· Participants must not intermix with other groups and must not congregate with other groups at any time during the event.
· Upon completing the tree-planting or when time slot is up, Participants must depart from the tree-planting site as directed by the crew and staff, and must not linger within the site.

Zaobao National Day 2020 Feature

提醒国人 动植物也是岛国一分子

★Cicada Tree Eco-Place





环境课题近几年来备受关注,尤其在年轻群体中。16岁的瑞典环保主义者格蕾塔·通贝里(Greta Thunberg)是最典型的例子。本地也有不少年轻人参与环境组织,为大自然发声。杨志豪(26岁,摄影师)去年为了做一个关于人类和环境之间的冲突的毕业专题作业,发现自然环境教育组织Cicada Tree Eco-Place。

Cicada Tree Eco-Place将心系环境课题的新加坡人,不分种族或宗教,都聚在一起。(受访者提供)
Cicada Tree Eco-Place将心系环境课题的新加坡人,不分种族或宗教,都聚在一起。(受访者提供)

Cicada Tree Eco-Place成立于2006年,旨在介绍本地生物的多样化,教育公众保护环境的重要性。该组织每年举办多项适合一家大小参与的活动,包括露营、大自然徒步等。受众年龄介于5至85岁。组织也会在官方网页发表和环境相关的文章。

修读传媒专业的杨志豪认为,新闻报道往往会平衡各方面的观点,“但大自然不能为自己发声,声音往往被忽略。相比保护环境,人类对大自然的伤害更是不成比例的。”杨志豪因为想继续为大自然发声,他完成毕业专题作业后,继续待在Cicada Tree Eco-Place。他目前负责拍照、设计组织网页,以及管理社交平台。


Cicada Tree Eco-Place目前有十多名活跃成员,包括创办人赵琴音(57岁)在内都不是全职员工。赵琴音认为,Cicada Tree Eco-Place将关注环境课题的人聚在一起。她说:“想和另四名朋友一起创立Cicada Tree Eco-Place是因为人类对环境已经造成非常严重的破坏。人们不能停留在知道地球已病危,必须通过实际行动,减少对环境的伤害。”




家庭主妇李慧丽(42岁)就于2019年带着儿子黄纬喆(12岁,学生)参与由Cicada Tree Eco-Place举办的一项到乌敏岛观鸟和种树的活动。李慧丽受访时说:“让孩子有机会接触大自然非常重要。过程中,孩子会意识到保护环境的重要性。”她举例说,儿子有次提醒她带塑料盒去打包食物,“他对环保的意识让我非常欣慰。”



黄纬喆参与Cicada Tree Eco-Place的活动,到乌敏岛种树投入大自然里。(受访者提供)
黄纬喆参与Cicada Tree Eco-Place的活动,到乌敏岛种树投入大自然里。(受访者提供)

另一名家庭主妇拉迪亚(Radiah Rizal,36岁)则于2018年首次带三名女儿参与“Love our MacRitchie Forest”大自然徒步活动。她感叹:“以前住在甘榜,周围都是花草树木。但从前的绿意已被今天的组屋取代。”她认为,小孩子参与Cicada Tree Eco-Place举办的活动后能更明白保护环境的重要性。“我的女儿最近制作了一些海报送给学校的朋友,希望帮助同学认识本地的自然遗产,积极保护环境。”


当越来越多的新加坡人心系环境课题,愿意为保护本地的生物多样化和环境出一分力——这或许是让Cicada Tree Eco-Place团队最感欣慰的事。赵琴音指出,地球正面临全新世灭绝事(Holocene Extinction),“如果人们不再下意识地保护环境,本地一些濒临绝种的动植物,如印度尼西亚叶猴(Raffles’ Banded Langur)有天可能从世上消失。”



Source: Zaobao

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