Heritage walk with Uncle Andrew Lin at Pang Sua Woodland and Canal. To learn more about Singapore World Water Day visit the PUB Make Every Drop Count campaign.

What is World Water Day?

22nd March is World Water Day.

World Water Day was designated in 1993 by the United Nations. It is an international event which celebrates water and raises awareness about over 2.2 billion people who live without access to clean water.

The theme for 2021 was “Valuing Water”. It aimed to start a conversation about what water means to people worldwide. Amid the pandemic, people were invited to go online to tell stories and share their thoughts and feelings about water.

Heritage guide Andrew Lin leads families and children on a walk to learn about the importance of water at Pang Sua Canal after a torrential downpour.

A poignant video from PUB shows some of the shocking effects of climate change. In the era of the Anthropocene, it is our actions alone that will deteremine whether humanity will sustain alongside this wellspring of life, or drown in it.


How is World Water Day commemorated here?

In Singapore, the Public Utilities Board (PUB) has been championing the message that every drop counts with the #GoBlue4SG campaign.

Since the independence and founding of our nation in 1965, water has been an existential resource. Although our country has made great strides since, climate change threatens our water security.

Now more than ever, we must make every drop count.

Here are some water saving tip from PUB:

  • WASH clothes on full load
  • ALWAYS use half-flush when possible
  • TURN off shower when soaping
  • ENSURE tap is off when brushing teeth
  • RINSE vegetables in container

Watch this video to learn about saving water: