top 10 extinct rainforest birds of singapore

(Dryocopus javensis)
Photo: Wang Luan Keng
Common name: White-bellied Woodpecker
Scientific name: Dryocopus javensis
Habitat in Singapore: Primary Rainforest.
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Listed as a Nationally Threatened species in Singapore.
Presumed locally extinct as it has not been seen or heard since 2005.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Pericrocotus flammeus)
Photo: Ho Siew Mun
Common name: Scarlet Minivet
Scientific name: Pericrocotus flammeus
Habitat in Singapore: Primary Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Listed as a nationally threatened species in Singapore. Presumed locally extinct. Was last recorded in the early 2000s.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Microhierax fringillarius)
Photo: Andrew Tay
Common name: Black-thighed Falconet
Scientific name: Microhierax fringillarius
Habitat in Singapore: Primary Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Locally extinct. Was last recorded in 1990.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Hemiprocne comata)
Photo: Wang Luan Keng
Common name: Whiskered Treeswift
Scientific name: Hemiprocne comata
Habitat in Singapore: Primary Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Locally extinct. Was last recorded in 1969.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Harpactes kasumba kasumba)
Photo: Catalina Tong
Common name: Red-naped Trogon
Scientific name: Harpactes kasumba kasumba
Habitat in Singapore: Primary Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Locally extinct. Was last recorded in 1921.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Ceyx erithacus rufidorsa)
Photo: Foo Sai Khoon
Common name: Rufous-backed Kingfisher
Scientific name: Ceyx erithacus rufidorsa
Habitat in Singapore: Primary Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Locally extinct. Was last recorded in 1949.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Pitta granatina coccinea)
Photo: Aviancatspace Cheng
Common name: Garnet Pitta
Scientific name: Pitta granatina coccinea
Habitat in Singapore: Primary Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Locally extinct. Was last recorded in 1949.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Calyptomena viridis viridis)
Photo: Catalina Tong
Common name: Green Broadbill
Scientific name: Calyptomena viridis viridis
Habitat in Singapore: Primary Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Locally extinct. Was last recorded in 1941.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Buceros rhinoceros)
Photo: Foo Sai Khoon
Common name: Rhinoceros Hornbill
Scientific name: Buceros rhinoceros
Habitat in Singapore: Primary Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Locally extinct. Was last recorded in the late 1800s.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Eurylaimus ochromalus ochromalus)
Photo: Foo Sai Khoon
Common name: Black-and-yellow Broadbill
Scientific name: Eurylaimus ochromalus ochromalus
Habitat in Singapore: Primary Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Locally extinct. Was last recorded in 1871.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.