Category: News

Young and caring for the wild – ST, 11 August 2019

Ms Teresa Teo Guttensohn, president and co-founder of Cicada Tree Eco-Place, which focuses on environmental education, has seen primary school-aged children who “scream when they see a butterfly”.

Getting children to learn about flora and fauna should be “through direct interaction”, she says. “It promotes conservation of our local biodiversity, which has something to do with how we live.”

The Straits TIMES, 11 August 2019

National Day Love SG Nature Walk @ Singapore Quarry

Cicada Tree Eco-Place celebrated our nation’s 54th National Day by going outdoors with fellow Singaporeans and visitors to enjoy Singapore’s amazing nature along the Rail Corridor.

Kids enjoying the outdoors and nature

This follows in our tradition of appreciating our natural heritage on National Day! On 9 August last year, we took a walk at MacRitchie Rainforest to search for the native durian tree named after Singapore.

The free public guided nature walk started with a fun “leaf-yoga” warm-up session at Fuyong Park led by volunteer Bala and a welcome message on eco-living by volunteer Teresa.

Led by volunteer guides Andrew and Li Fang, participants and their families enjoyed a slow discovery walk along the forest’s edge at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, and encountered some of the interesting wildlife living in the area.

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