Land clearing for development works in Singapore.

an environmental catastrophe

On a planetary level, we are dealing with a very real and alarming climate change crisis caused by the impact of human development. Combating it requires unprecedented changes in all aspects of society, especially in sectors like land, building and transport..

Around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction, many within decades, more than ever before in human history.

UN IPBES Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem ServiceS, 2019

the sixth extinction

Planet earth is experiencing the sixth extinction due to human activities – deforestation, habitat loss, pollution, over – harvesting and global warming.

Global populations of wildlife have declined by a staggering 60 per cent since 1970 due to human impact according to the Living Planet Report 2018 by WWF. The magnitude of species loss is tragic and frightening.

The world’s wilderness areas are shrinking at a horrific rate, with 77 per cent of the world’s wilderness lost, and just 23 per cent untouched by humans.

our conservation focus

Our aim is to promote biodiversity conservation and help protect our precious natural heritage for future generations.

To fight extinction, we focus on the protection of critically endangered native wildlife in Singapore and Southeast Asia, as well as threatened wildlife habitats.

Much emphasis has been placed on the loss of charismatic species globally. However, all wildlife are interdependent. Conserving local biodiversity and maintaining intact eco-systems is therefore the best way to sustain genetic diversity that is critical for the long-term survival of all species on Earth.

join our campaigns

Save the Pangolin: Since 2010
Love our Macritchie Forest: Since 2013
Save the Malayan Tiger: Since 2014
Protect Our Last Wilderness: Since 2019

“Biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people are our common heritage and humanity’s most important life-supporting ‘safety net’. But our safety net is stretched almost to breaking point.”


Extinction is forever! Join us in our fight against extinction. Act now before its too late!