top 10 extinct rainforest mammals of singapore

(Panthera tigris jacksoni)
Photo: Loretta Ann Shepherd
Common name: Malayan Tiger
Scientific name: Panthera tigris jacksoni
Habitat in Singapore: Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Locally extinct. The last Malayan Tiger in Singapore was shot dead in the 1930s.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat. Hunting.

(Panthera pardus)
Sketch: Cicada Tree Eco-Place
Common name: Leopard
Scientific name: Panthera pardus
Habitat in Singapore: Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Locally extinct.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat. Hunting.

(Ratufa affinis)
Photo: Nick Baker
Common name: Cream-coloured Giant Squirrel
Scientific name: Ratufa affinis
Habitat in Singapore: Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Locally extinct.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Petaurista petaurista)
Photo: Nick Baker
Common name: Red Giant Flying Squirrel
Scientific name: Petaurista petaurista
Habitat in Singapore: Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Locally extinct.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Lariscus insignis)
Photo: Nick Baker
Common name: Three-striped Ground Squirrel
Scientific name: Lariscus insignis
Habitat in Singapore: Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Locally extinct.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Maxomys surifer)
Sketch: Cicada Tree Eco-Place
Common name: Red Spiny Maxomys
Scientific name: Maxomys surifer
Habitat in Singapore: Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Possibly locally extinct. Was last recorded in 1985.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Rhinolophus sedulus)
Sketch: Cicada Tree Eco-Place
Common name: Lesser Woolly Horseshoe Bat
Scientific name: Rhinolophus sedulus
Habitat in Singapore: Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Possibly locally extinct. Was last recorded 1925.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Hipposideros ridleyi)
Sketch: Cicada Tree Eco-Place
Common name: Ridley’s Horseshoe Bat
Scientific name: Hipposideros ridleyi
Habitat in Singapore: Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Possibly locally extinct. Was last recorded in 1911.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Hipposideros cervinus)
Sketch: Cicada Tree Eco-Place
Common name: Fawn Roundleaf Bat
Scientific name: Hipposideros cervinus
Habitat in Singapore: Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Possibly locally extinct. Was last recorded in 1878.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.

(Chaerephon plicatus)
Sketch: Cicada Tree Eco-Place
Common name: Asian Wrinkle-lipped Bat
Scientific name: Chaerephon plicatus
Habitat in Singapore: Rainforest
Present status in Singapore: Native species. Possibly locally extinct. Was last recorded in 1878.
Main cause of extinction: Loss of rainforest habitat.