[Featured photograph: Rainforest of Peninsula Malaysia, home of the Malayan Tiger and incredible biodiversity PHOTO © Teresa Teo Guttensohn]…
our majestic native big cat
The Malayan Tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni) is a sub-species unique only to the Malay Peninsula and used to roam the rainforests of Singapore.
on the edge of extinction, less than 200 left in the wild!
Tragically, Malayan Tigers have been hunted to the verge of extinction and now number less than 200 in the jungles of Peninsular Malaysia.
The time to save this majestic species is now or never!

how you can help: join CAT Walks
Tigers are under severe threat from poaching due to inadequate protection and enforcement. The Citizen Action for Tigers (CAT) Walk by MYCAT was established in 2010. It is an anti-poaching and anti-deforestation surveillance walk conducted by citizen conservationists.
Join our next CATwalk with MYCAT.
Peninsular Malaysia
how you can help: donate to MYCAT
To help save the Malayan Tiger, please support the conservation work of MYCAT: Visit their website to learn more or donate.
CAT Walks 2020
January 17 to 19
February 14 to 16
May 15 to 17
June 12 to 15
July 10 to 12
September 11 to 13
October 9 to 11
November 20 to 22
December 11 to 13
To find out more about CAT Walks, email us or use the contact form.
Discoveries of 2019 CAT Walk
campaign history: since 2014

In 2014, recognising that Malayan Tigers in Peninsular Malaysia were on the very brink of extinction with less than 300 in the wild, a fundraising dinner was organised by Cicada Tree Eco-Place in partnership with MYCAT to raise urgent and much needed funds for tiger conservation work.
Malayan Tiger: Fundraising Dinner (and other ways to help)
60 percent of the S$40,000 raised at the dinner held on 27 September 2014 went to partially subsidise Singapore volunteers for CAT Walks which started the following year. S$8,000 or 20 percent of funds raised was given to MYCAT.
10 percent went to Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES) for local wildlife rescue efforts and the remaining 10 percent went to Cicada Tree Eco-Place’s biodiversity-related small grants for two youth researchers.
From the fundraising dinner to date, Cicada Tree Eco-Place has helped coordinate nearly 200 CAT Walkers from Singapore to participate in the MYCAT programme since our first CAT Walk in March 2015.
CAT Walks 2015
14-17 Mar, 3-6 April, 17-20 April 1-4, May, 22-25 May, 13-16 June 2015
Diary of a CAT Walk (14-17 Mar 2015)
Diary of a CAT Walk (Part 1) – Aiyoh, don’t kena eaten by tiger
Diary of a CAT Walk (Part 2): Gunshots & a Leopard Cat
Diary of a CAT Walk (Part 3): Night Owls and a Sun Bear
Diary of a CAT Walk (Part 4): The trip comes to an end
The May Dream Team (22-25 May 2015)
The May dream team, from left to right: Danny, Ash, Tim, Carmen, Atan, Ywee Chieh, Diego and Henrietta. Sambar deer. This one had an orange collar, which meant it was a released deer. It was thin and didn’t look too healthy. Setting up a trail camera… …Mission accomplished! Asian elephant dung! Beautiful view of Taman Negara Au naturale foot spa at Kelam waterfall! Unfortunately, we spotted a civet cat which had become roadkill, likely while trying to cross the highway. This is why we need wildlife corridors, to allow animals to cross safely.
supporting tiger conservation
Singapore Wildcat Action Group (SWAG) annual charity dinner for tiger conservation, 13 Sep 2019

Photos © 2019 Vilma D’Rozario
wildcat party, tiger book launch and mask making
Photos © 2019 Teresa Teo Guttensohn & Vilma D’Rozario
past events

Join Dr Kae Kawanishi, a tiger biologist and General Manager of the Malaysian Conservation Alliance for Tigers (MYCAT), as she shares about the threats faced by the Malayan tiger, and what people living in Singapore are doing to safeguard a critical tiger habitat from poaching and deforestation. Dr Kawanishi will be sharing information not available to the public and that which will not be printed anywhere. A strong advocate of partnerships between governments, NGOs and civil society for wildlife conservation, Dr Kawanishi is an inspiration to all who care about species conservation. All of us can, and need to, play a role.
11am to 1pm: Outreach booth and kids’ activities on tiger conservation at the Singapore Botanic Gardens Green Pavilion
1.20pm: Registration for talk – Function Hall
1.30pm: Light refreshments
2.20pm: “Malayan Evolution”: a poem written and read by Ms Teresa Teo-Guttensohn, Cicada Tree Eco-Place
2:30pm: “Rewilding Yu: Reconnecting People & Forests for the Conservation of Tigers” by Dr Kae Kawanishi, General Manager, Malaysian Conservation Alliance for Tigers (MYCAT)
3.30pm: “CAT Walks: What’s in it for me?” by Dr Vilma D’Rozario & Ms Valerie Chua, National Institute of Education
4.15pm: CTEP Youth Biodiversity Award
4.30pm: End