Citizen Action for Tigers (CAT) Walk Plus is a unique citizen conservation program that empowers the public to get directly involved in protecting the Malayan Tiger and many other threatened wildlife that share the same habitat. By participating in a CAT walk, you make a positive impact on the continued survival of the Malayan Tiger.
Walk the Sungai Yu Ecological Corridor to deter potential illegal activities like poaching and illegal mining just by your presence. Look for wildlife signs like Malayan sun bear tracks and listen out for white-handed gibbon calls from the forest canopy. Help check and maintain trail cameras installed by MYCAT to monitor abundance of wildlife!
by Teresa Teo Guttensohn with contributions from Journeys Pte Ltd
29 July is Global Tiger Day. This article is dedicated to the Malayan Tiger, now extinct in Singapore. It honours the last 200 wild Malayan Tigers fighting for survival in the jungles of Malaysia. Can we save this living emblem of Singapore and Malaysia before it’s too late?
“In this new world: a presentation of “regarding” by Madeleine Lee”, featuring “Boschbrand” (Forest Fire), 1849, Oil on canvas, Raden Saleh (b.1811 – d.1880, Indonesia). Collection of National Gallery, Singapore. The performance responded to Saleh’s monumental painting – a dramatic representation of tigers and wild animals chased by flames to the edge of a precipice set in Java. PHOTO: 2019, Teresa Teo GuttensohnRaden Saleh’s 171-year-old artwork seems prescient as the haze crisis from burning fires caused by land clearing on oil palm plantations have plagued the region and killed countless wildlife in recent decades. PHOTO: 2019, Teresa Teo Guttensohn
A Powerful Asian Symbol
Throughout history and across many cultures, no animal has inspired as much awe as the largest wild cat on the planet, the majestic Tiger (Panthera tigris).
In Asian art and mythology, this impressive feline is a powerful symbolic animal that is feared, admired and glorified. Unsurprisingly, the endangered tiger is regarded as exotic, charismatic and the most popular animal in the world.
Reclining tiger, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period (475-221 B.C.). Originally a lid ornament on a very large vessel, this tiger demonstrates a vivid naturalism that reflects the influence of ‘animal style’ art created by nomadic cultures of the northern steppes. Description by Metropolitan Museum of Art. PHOTO: 2020, Bronze replica from the private collection of Teresa Teo Guttensohn
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation and global travel restrictions, all CATWalks have been suspended until further notice. Stay home and be safe everyone!
Circuit Breaker (Singapore) – 26 March 2020 to 1 June 2020.
Post-Circuit Breaker (Singapore) – 2 June 2020 to (date unknown)
Movement Control Order (Malaysia) – 18 March 2020 to 9 June 2020.
The catwalks (Friday to Sunday) for 2020 are:
January 17 to 19 February 14 to 16 May 15 to 17 June 12 to 15 July 10 to 12 September 11 to 13 October 9 to 11 November 20 to 22 December 11 to 13
Join the Citizen Action for Tigers (CAT) Walks at Sungai Yu Tiger Corridor and Taman Negara National Park, Malaysia, to help save Malayan Tigers from the edge of extinction — Friday 16-18 August and 18-22 September 2019.
When you participate in a catwalk, you are directly helping in the survival of the Malayan Tiger, its rainforest home, and the amazing diversity of plants and animals living there.
There are now less than 200 Malayan Tigers (Panthera tigris jacksoni) left in the wild in Peninsular Malaysia.
This Malayan sub-species is on the extreme edge of extinction.